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Gambians Support New Constitution Amid Doubtful Political Will

Gambians Support New Constitution Amid Doubtful Political Will

The Gambia's New Constitution: A Step Towards Progress or a Political Tool?

Gambia has recently taken a significant step towards constitutional reform with the approval of a new constitution in a referendum held on 4th December 2021.

The new constitution replaces the 1997 constitution, which was drafted under the regime of former President Yahya Jammeh.

The new constitution includes a number of changes, including the introduction of a two-term limit for the presidency, the creation of an independent judiciary, and the establishment of a human rights commission.

Public Support for the New Constitution

The new constitution was approved by a vote of 91.89% in favor, with a voter turnout of 82.2%.

This overwhelming support for the new constitution suggests that the Gambian people are eager for change and believe that the new constitution will help to improve their lives.

However, some critics have expressed concerns that the new constitution may not be as progressive as it seems and that the government may not be fully committed to implementing its provisions.

Political Will for Implementing the New Constitution

The Gambian government has stated that it is committed to implementing the new constitution and has already taken some steps to do so.

For example, the government has established a Constitutional Review Commission to oversee the implementation process.

However, some observers are skeptical of the government's commitment to the new constitution, citing the government's past record of human rights abuses and its reluctance to reform.

The adoption of a new constitution is a significant step for Gambia, but whether it will lead to meaningful change remains to be seen.

The Gambian people have shown their support for the new constitution, but the government must now demonstrate its commitment to implementing its provisions and respecting the rule of law.

Only time will tell if the new constitution will be a catalyst for progress in Gambia or simply another tool for political control.
